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Informr score
Rewire currently has an Informr score of 8 out of 10. This score is based on our evaluation of 4 sources including reviews from users and the web's most trusted critics.

What the Critics Are Saying...


Rewire will work like a charm for expats and migrants that live in Europe as the service offers many benefits like s free Mastercard with no fees or cheap money transfers to family back home, as well as free transfers within the EU.

- Adrian Volenik, TopMobileBanks

This is a much-needed money transfer service that makes life easier for millions of expats and foreign workers living in the UK. Most other money transfer companies assume users have access to regular bank accounts. Rewire understands that isn’t always the case, and provides an easy solution: a free...

- Bestmoney Staff, BestMoney

The key to Rewire’s success is that it does not offer a one-size-fits-all solution to cross-border financial services. Instead, the company builds strategic home country partnerships that meet the unique needs of each market it serves.

- Adam West, CardRates

Rewire is a licensed and authorized money transfer service provider, especially for customers based in European countries. Rewire offers a powerful mobile application for sending and receiving funds. Users can personalize the mobile application into their preferred language, such as Kiswahili, Filip...

- CompareTransfer


Headquarters Tel Aviv, Israel
# of Supported Recipient Countries 13
# of Supported Sender Currencies 3
Supported sender currency EUR, ILS, GBP
Minimum Transfer Amount 1 EUR
Daily Transfer Limit depends on your bank account conditions
Minimum Fee 2 free transfers for new users and €0.99 flat fee for future transfers
Time to Open an Account Unknown
Documents Required Unknown
Transfer Time (Minimum) from 10 minutes to 2 business days to complete
Wire Type Bank account, Cash pick up, Palawan cash pick up, Paga Mobile Wallet, Gcash and
Exchange Rate Type No
Payment Option Credit Card, Bank Transfer
Mobile App Android, iOS
Customer Support
Telephone Support


Email Support Yes
Live Chat Support Yes

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