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Long distance included

Estimated cost

per month with taxes and fees
Advertised price

Total Price:

Complete Details

Plan Payment Type Postpaid
Individual/Shared Plan Individual
Business plan No
Number of Lines 1
Calling Area Nationwide
Contract Length 1 Year
Fee £34.99 per month
Activation Fee No
Security Deposit Pay 83.3% of the remaining monthly charges
Early Cancellation / Termination Fee No
SIM card fee No
Voice Minutes
Anytime Minutes Unlimited minutes included
Billing Increment Minute
Evening / Weekend Minutes -
Evening / Weekend Time Period -
Early Evenings -
Free Incoming -
Calling Between Plan Members -
Favourite Numbers (My5, etc.) -
Messaging & Data
Text Messages (SMS)
Unlimited messages included
Unlimited messages included
Sent (Internationally)
Data Usage Unlimited included
Long Distance & Roaming
Long Distance -
Basic Voicemail £0.35 per call
Enhanced Voicemail -
Visual Voicemail -
Voicemail-To-Text -
Call Waiting Included
Call Display -
Name Display -
Who Called / Missed Call SMS -
Call Forwarding Included
Conference Calling £0.15 per minute
No Answer Transfer -
Hotspot / Shareable Data -
Detailed Billing -
Paper Billing Not Included
Roadside Assistance -
Parental Control -
Insurance Protection -
Video Calling £0.50 per minute
Mobile TV -
GPS Navigation -
Radio -
  • Choose 1 freebie to include in your plan (You’ll be automatically opted in to a paid monthly subscription after Free Period):
    • 6 months of Disney+
    • 6 months of Amazon Music Unlimited
    • 6 months of Amazon Prime Video
    • 6 months of Audible
    • 6 months of McAfee
    • 6 months of Cafeyn
Additional Information

The monthly price of the plan will increase every April based on the Retail Price Index (RPI) rate of inflation announced in February each year, plus an additional 3.9%. If the RPI is negative, only the 3.9% increase will be applied.

Feature(s) Included
  • Roam at no extra cost in 75 destinations worldwide, including the EU, the USA, Australia and Mexico
  • Get double the data if you also have broadband with Virgin Media in your name
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